Skinny Puppy to Deliver ‘Weapon’ May 28th

This article originally posted to on May 14th, 2013.

Skinny Puppy have never made easy music. Their arrangements are often atypical and atonal, and provide a harsh, unyielding bed out of which their lyrics are made to grow and fester. From their earliest album, the group has confronted head-on the issues of the day, speaking on topics as diverse as animal rights, deforestation, chemical warfare, and addiction. This propensity as a “thinking man’s” band has earned them a solidly entrenched fanbase, as well as virtually guaranteeing their music rarely if ever sees radio airplay. Their latest release, Weapon (out May 28th on Metropolis Records), remains true to form; tackling gun culture and the surveillance state while sonically hearkening back to the band’s early days of electronic devastation.

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